Friday, April 25, 2008


I don't think you realize the caliber of your offense, or maybe you have no realization at all that you have done anything wrong but, you have. You have assumed your place in my life when I have never given you permission to or allowed you in that place in my personal life. You have crossed a serious barrier into someone else's personal affairs, and that is NOT okay. I am an incredibly and immensely private person and, though at times you have poked or prodded at my own private situations I have been allowing of you to know parts and pieces of information that seemed appropriate at the time to share. As far as any information I have given you about my relationship with Savanah, it has been too vague for you to know whether or not I missed her within my life. For you to assume that I wanted her to have any of my personal information or feelings (feelings in which you didn't even fully understand by any means) is an incredible violation against me.
You continue to try and contact me as if nothing has gone wrong. You call, text, IM, email and leave continuous messages acting like I am the one with an offense against you. You act as though nothing has happened and that you don't understand why it is that I refuse to be collaborative in having a conversation with you. You have gone over a large line of what is wrong and what is right and, you are immensely wrong in what you have done. This is a very serious matter to me and not something I take lightly and my anger is intense and unbreaking. I cannot tell you how long it may take me to be forgiving of the matter but, whenever that time may be I will be the one to contact you, until then no further contact needs to be made. I also need you to understand that this isn't going to just blow over and that you can continue with the same expectations as you have had. You need to know that there are barriers in peoples lives that you cannot just cross and go into without that persons authority. If you continue to over step your bounds then you and I will have nothing further to say to one another, and it will be an end to any contact between the two of us.
This is all that I have to say for now. I need for you to leave me with my own space and time to think and consider my own feelings. If you over step my need for space then there will be no further letter to state anything, this is your only warning please respect my wishes.

Take Care,

Friday, April 18, 2008

For a friend

I was reading someones blog and I felt as if I had been sitting near to them as they spoke and poured the tears we do not see onto paper, and they were part of my own to claim. The life we live walking around trying to find something accepting, and I see myself in the reflection of the insanity, of the existance we spend so much time mourning our childhoods, our livlihoods away. We look for someone to accept us as we are and as these people walk on by without a glance in our direction we feel ourselves grow smaller and smaller inside and our worth in the world declines. The imperfections stare back at us as we look in the mirror to find some comfort in some kind of "legitimate" beauty, and it makes us invisable to the world and to ourselves. It gets so far as to make us forget the things that were ever once considered beautiful or acceptable in the eyes of just our own selves.
We become misplaced souls within a body of disgust and hideousness and lose the persons we may have ever once been for the sake of painting a face, cutting a stomach, cracking a nose, injecting the lips, measuring our hips, and inflating our breasts. We have become bodies without spirits and hatred without a cause. We instill the mentality into those who dont look like Janice Dickenson or Tyra Banks, that they have less to offer the world and become the abused and used. We breed ignorance in our selfishness and shamful habits and make the lives of people a burdened hell because we choose not to understand them. And if all of this is considered beauty, then please call me ugly, because I do not want to be that kind of pretty. I will not live this life to please the eyes of judging, and I will not lay down as the rug and be dirty with the foot prints of those who truly are the words of "ugly" and "dismaying".